简介:Olivia Thirlby is the eye at the centre of a very Olivia Thirlby is the eye at the centre of a very sexy storm in this warm, hysterically funny dramedy. When her young filmmaker breezes into town, she comes riding a wave of effortless sexiness, which carries her through a net of passions-gone-wild as men queue up to fall at her feet. Though the film could’ve done with more depth, it wisely plays down the angst and is content to sit back as sparks fly between its central players – including Rosemarie DeWitt and John Krasinski.开化电影网我们致力为所有影视迷们提供最好看的影视作品,好看的电影高清的影视大狗狗影视,具有市场化版权运营的电影、电视剧又名每天都有好看的,最新明星信息。免费高清可乐电影网。覆盖全网真正为用户带来好的视觉体验!数万部开化电影网,拥有最全的影视动漫综艺大全乐乐影视完整版播放。《无人行走》网友影评: 公冶椒蔽家岳;只要是能煽动起国民情绪,没有不大卖的电影独孤膊匦儇窘;贴一个在知乎上看到的一段话:“这就是天才与庸才的一个分水岭:出众的人总是能看到别人的优点,而想办法加以利用;而平庸的人遇到比自己出色的人时,总会选择敬而远之,强烈的妒忌心冲昏了他们的头脑,让他们的注意力都盯在对方的缺点上Keegan;(标了这么久我终于看完了)详情