简介:Inspector Morse is a British detective drama televInspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced between 1987 and 2000. Dexter made uncredited cameo appearances in all but three of the episodes.好点影院电影、最新电视剧等节目是影视爱好者们的电影天堂。电视剧,剧集站,动漫等节目飞天影视,包涵又名最完整y6090青苹果影视全集在线超清观看。高清视频在线观看就看大鱼电影好点影院,谍战迷最新抗日剧大全钉瓣影视西瓜视频。《摩斯探长第一季》网友影评: 公羊慌涌;亲子关系也是一大课题,即便深爱,有时候父母和子女没选到对路的沟通方式,隔阂就永远都在,只是选择性逃避,不去直面它南荣匦净吠;现在网络这么发达,坏人想要你的信息真简单,还是多谨慎的好公祖拖团枪;在BFI Player办了一个包月会员,当然,我想20几号就把它给取消了,薅个免费试用的羊毛详情