类型: / 地区:其它 / 年份:2014
导演:Oleksandr Techynskyi Aleksey Solodunov Dmitry Stoykov
主演:Oleksander Techynskyi
简介: This film is not about the revolution that chang This film is not about the revolution that changed Ukraine this winter. Not exactly. It rather shows a universal pattern of particular kind of uprisings - those ones that end with bloodshed. At first, the noble endeavor for freedom collides with the dark force of repressive rulers. Then eventually, after much confusion and chaos, the righteous anger of people changes to pure outrage. And when the first casualties on both sides fall, no matter how black and white it seems from outside, the edge between good and bad blurs when one looks from the epicenter of a battle. And finally, all things ablaze牛牛电影网HD在线观看新视觉影院明星资料,演员角色,影视资讯八卦,榜单等电影播放清晰流畅,操作界面简单友好,,迅雷高清下载又名更多精彩经典在线视频免费看。全集韩剧电影网。最新电影免费高清在线观看西瓜视频360电影频道牛牛电影网,vip影视全集影视更完整。《万物燃烧》网友影评: 仲长澈凭;如果垃圾堆里还有战斗机的话……哪儿都烂三俗,审丑时代就成了美,不适合儿童的开心乐园餐。东方闯募范;为伊桑·霍克依然坚持在西部片事业上点个赞,但片子真的一般,拖沓无比,毫无亮点夏侯节烤胀枪;取景、服饰、演员、特效尚可。叙述平淡,缺乏高潮,导演驾驭能力有待提高。3.5星鼓励。详情