类型: / 地区:印度 / 年份:2016
简介: To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat i To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat in Gujarat province lies a vast industrial zone that has been growing ever since the 1960s. Director Rahul Jain filmed the grueling daily routine in just one of the many textile factories there. In the factory, man and machine seem to have fused into one being. It is dark and dank, and barely any daylight penetrates the space. The labor is heavy and mind-numbing, and the work days seem endless. We are drawn into a gloomy world where the cacophonous beat of machinery sets the rhythm of toil. Jain is as interested in the mysterious connection between worker and product (the fabrics are treated mechanically, but also with love) as he is in the degrading conditions. Each shift lasts 12 hours, for adults and children alike, and wages are extremely low. Short interviews are interspersed throughout the observational sequences, some of which are captivating in their beauty while others are painful to watch – such as when we see a boy nodding violently in his struggle to stay awake. (From IDFA official website青苹果影院迅雷高清下载全新高清电影免费播放vip影视全网热门影视一网打尽。,热播电视剧、热播电影、热播韩剧又名实时更新海量影片资源,免费全能免费观看视频。大米影视手机免费播放大鱼电影青苹果影院,最新播放电影信息,即将上映的电影预告在线免费播放6080新视觉影院。《机器2016》网友影评: Sadie;还是巴基斯坦人?还去家乡见父母?居然是金酸梅最差女主角奖?英国人拍的?看完只想问,这片从构思到剧本到拍摄到剪辑到播映到评奖都什么情况!公山亩倥揭;以上细节令这部恐怖片成为上乘之作,不流俗拓跋涨; 李安导演把这个故事糅合的非常流畅。这种糅合包括文化,电影里讲的“中西合璧”,在纽约上演的一场中国式结婚的假戏,这些都是对中国婚姻观的集中反映;这种糅合亦是高母高父的妥协,从而营造了一个大团圆式的结局,但我认为这种妥协有些刻意确不失温情。 李安在婚礼上的客串那句台词很有意思:“你正见识到五千年性压抑的结果。”中国人平时的正经和婚礼上狂放的反差让人不解,这是否表现出中国人对传宗接代的极大热诚。洞房上那句“我要解放你。”这种压抑被释放了,性的压抑,不敢启齿的压抑。。。。。 当同性恋遇到逼婚,这就是完美的结局。哪详情