探长雷布思 第一季
类型: / 地区:英国 / 年份:2000
导演:Maurice Phillips
简介: Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinkin Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinking, unkempt, womanizing police officer whose job is his whole life. He is the most senior and most experienced DI at his station. He has a mysterious past that his partner DS Siobhan Clarke learns about from time to time through various comments Rebus makes. She is a young woman who wants to succeed, but does not have much of a personal life. She feels being paired with Rebus jeopardizes her career because of his unorthodox methods, but she is also fascinated by the man and is extremely loyal. DI Rebus' boss is Chief Superintendent Templar, a woman who was one of Rebus' lovers in a distant past. Their relationship is now one where they barely tolerate each other不休影院迅雷高清下载在线电影、电视剧韩剧、日剧、美剧星光电影,原PPTV聚力视频又名全集播放高清免费观看专业收集专注打造精品电影网站!。免费观看视频超震撼的在线播放超清不休影院,60影视迅雷高清下载欢迎大家来本站免费看电影。。《探长雷布思 第一季》网友影评: 仲孙智闯仔;不過除《奪魂索》外,希治閣還是使用蒙太奇比用長鏡頭好Francis;看完小说赶紧看电影改编,哎,这个故事拍成动漫估计更好!比起小说,电影就像儿戏,节奏慢,逻辑乱,内容、人物缩水,布施绘里、塚地武雅两个新增加的大人角色就是打酱油凑热闹的,整体幼稚低龄,只能看滨边美波、山田杏奈的可爱脸了,明显是拍给偶像粉丝的青少年向电影;估计缺钱制作太差,好一点的日剧SP都这个强,整体很low,丧尸造型假得离谱,音乐节、丧尸攻击等场景也很假,还刻意回避了击杀丧尸的血腥场面,最后剩下推理,也泛善可陈了仲长瘫沤;PS:高中毕业桂林游玩旅店点播台详情