类型: / 地区:英国 / 年份:1970
简介:Teenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men bTeenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men back to their home to meet the eccentric Mumsy and Nanny. There, the men are forced to take part in strange games, the rules of which are never defined - and if they refuse, or transgress the unwritten rules, they're killed. But they may have met their match in New Friend, their latest victim, who starts to manipulate the foursome, setting one against the other. Bizarre combination of late sixties avant garde and sleaze. Director Freddie Francis had made horrors for both Hammer and Amicus but this is nothing like any of them. Shot on location with an atmosphere mixing playground horror and conservatory theatre that is downright weird and unsettling. The great lost girl of sixties British horror, Vanessa Howard, shines as she does in those other rarely seen gems Corruption [1967] and What Became of Jack and Jill [1972]. If Harold Pinter had made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] for the BBC this could have resulted. Excellent and unique.月夜影视高清观看免费完整版电视剧排行榜,电影排行榜让您足不出户,在家看够影院各大视频资源。最新的好看电影和电视剧,拥有最全的影视动漫综艺大全又名最快,最热门超前点映vip谍战迷最新抗日剧大全。具有市场化版权运营的电影、电视剧超前点映vip给您带来最佳的观影体验。月夜影视,天康影视52来看网1905电影网。《和谐家庭》网友影评: 归海际票;这个剧本其实不错的,能拍得再细致饱满一点就好了独孤卓囱;算是比较勇敢的在挖掘恐袭另一面的题材,可惜的是卡司们堪称精彩的表演,却背了剧本的锅:凌乱的闪回剪辑,平淡的情节设计,尤其是卷福这条支线的定位模棱两可,整个上半场从男主被带走的戏份之后几乎找不到电影标题的任何踪迹,残忍的虐囚画面只是停留在了视觉冲击本身司寇抵;这编剧挺会糊弄事的,女主角前面信服了神棍妈妈后面好像忘了这事继续翻脸,也是一绝详情