类型: / 地区:韩国 / 年份:1958
简介:Choi So-young (Choi Eun-hee), a poor female law stChoi So-young (Choi Eun-hee), a poor female law student is in trouble because her grandmother, who had been sending her tuition money, passes away. With the help of her friend Hee-suk, (Kim Suk-il) who dreams of becoming a writer, So-young fools Choi Rim (Kim Seung-ho), a lawmaker, into believing she is his daughter and moves in his house. She studies hard and becomes a lawyer. At her first trial, she defends a female inmate (Hwang Jeong-sun). Coincidentally, the story of the inmate is very much similar to hers. So-young defends her, saying how difficult it is for a woman to survive in a cold capitalism, arguing for her rights in tears. After she wins the case, she goes home and confesses her crime to Choi Rim's wife (Yu Gye-seon).冬瓜电影网全集高清版免费无需下载任何播放器即可在线免费观看,李子影视让大家喜欢上这里。,天地影视网又名是电影电视剧爱好者的第一选择!VIP高清电影、电视剧影视剧集。电影、电视剧、日韩剧、内容丰富多元我们致力为所有影视迷们提供最好看的影视作品,在线免费播放冬瓜电影网,在线电影、电视剧我们将精心选出一些大片重点推荐给大家,高清无码免费播放。《一个女大学生的告白》网友影评: 巫马醋私鹤兜;情节既不紧凑,更不可原谅的是整个故事毫无逻辑可言闻人崖窒罕;一张ol脸的三吉彩花略带僵硬地尽兴跳起舞来远比一看就很会跳舞的人亲切有趣啊,仿佛看到囿于繁琐生活的自己忘记一切跳起舞来!选角其实是经过考量的,对观众来说,三吉彩花带着生疏的舞蹈比专业舞者感染力其实更强——我们不是专业的,但我们也有想在舞台上大方舞动的心啊!就算不专业,那又算什么呢,没有什么能阻挡我们跳舞!一如既往的矢口史靖!相当解压!/(8.0/10)鲜于鸥佬茁;现代无声电影——应该叫默片了,三星半吧,由生活琐事堆砌,其实和《我的邻居山田君》《牯岭街少年杀人事件》讲的东西都有类似——虽然三部片子类型完全不同。。。详情